Stage Write education Program


Curriculum Overview:

Trusted by over 100 Broadway shows and 100,000 theatre makers worldwide to capture blocking, staging, and creating a stage managers call book, Stage Write Software is the industry standard for the modern Stage Manager.

This four-part unit is designed to give studeNTS AN INTRO to sTAGE WRITE.



Each class will receive free access to the software for the duration of the course and a free curriculum guide.

CURRICULUM INCLUDES; instructions, videos, and guides.

The course has a flexible length from 4 days to 4 weeks therefore you can tailor it to your students needs.

Stage Write Software is easily accessible inside and outside the classroom. Students and faculty can login to their accounts online via a Chrome or Firefox Browser or in the Stage Write iPad app. 

teach stage write

The makings of great theatre and performance start in the classroom with passionate and driven teachers working to inspire students. The Stage Write Educational Curriculum is designed to enable artists to capture their creativity.



Part 1: Capture the Blocking 

Students utilize a pre-filled production in Stage Write to observe a recorded rehearsal and learn how to capture the actors blocking.

Part 2: Marking Up the Script 

Students will learn how to insert the missing light/sound cues and blocking notes to complete the call script for the scene.

Part 3: Teaching the Scene

Students utilize the charts and script markup they’ve created to teach in-room actors the staging they learned in Parts 1 and 2.

Part 4: From the Top 

Students will create their own production from scratch with provided stage dimensions, ground plans, and performer icons to prepare for their first rehearsal. 


The Course includes clear instructions, videos, anD GUIDES.

The course has a flexible length from 4 days to 4 weeks therefore you can tailor it to your students needs.

Stage Write Software is easily accessible inside and outside the classroom. Students and faculty can login to their accounts online via a Chrome or Firefox Browser or in the Stage Write iPad app.